Shipping & Handling

What form of payment is accepted?
Visa, Mastercard, Venmo, Paypal, Apple Pay, American Express or Discover.

How much does it cost to ship?
Shipping charges will vary from piece to piece, depending on the weight, size, etc.

How will my artwork be shipped?
All artworks sold will be shipped from the gallery after the close of the show. Packages should go out no later than September 15, 2024.

What destinations does trail of tears Art Show ship to?
Any country.

What courier does trail of tears Art Show ship with?
USPS Priority Mail will be used for shipping service for most orders. USPS will be used for P.O. Box billing and/or shipping addresses with an estimated shipping time of 5–10 business days.

When will I receive my purchase?
Packages should go out no later than September 15, 2024. Please allow two weeks for delivery.

How can I track my order?
Tracking numbers will be emailed to the email provided by the customer.

How is shipping calculated on my purchase?
Shipping cost will depend on the insured value, size, weight and shape of the art.

What if my artwork arrives damaged?
Art will be insured through USPS equal to the purchase price. In the unfortunate event that your order arrives damaged, please contact Callie Chunestudy by email [email protected] or call 918.804.9253. If your package appears damaged upon arrival, it is advised that you photograph the outside of the package before opening, and document opening the package and the state of the artwork inside to include with your claim. We will require your cooperation to file a claim with USPS.

How can I purchase artwork that is tax exempt?
Please contact us directly and submit a copy of your tax exemption card or other relevant documentation. Please also let us know the title of the artwork you wish to purchase. You can email [email protected] or call 918.804.9253.